Page 330 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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326  SECTION II  III  The Mammals

                     Figure 27-10  •  Lateral cardiac sonogram reveals dilated heart chambers consistent with myopathy, pleural fluid, and related lung collapse.

                    Internal Abscesses
                                                                           As with other mammals, advanced dental infections
                    Abscesses may develop anywhere in the body, but      in ferrets are characterized by the loss of perialveolar
                    those within the interior are the hardest to diagnose,   bone with or without associated root destruction. Thus
                    thus the need for medical imaging. The precise cause   the presence of an apical “halo” is a reliable radio-
                    of most of these localized infections is never deter-  graphic indicator of an active dental disease such as an
                    mined. Associated clinical signs may relate to a specifi c   abscess (Figure 27-16). Loss of mandibular or maxil-
                    organ system, for example, vomiting in the case of   lary bone beyond the immediate vicinity of a tooth
                    an abscess in the stomach wall (Figure 27-11). Other   constitutes strong presumptive evidence of related

                    abscesses simply cause nonspecific signs of illness   osteomyelitis, especially when seen in conjunction
                    such as inappetence or lethargy.                     with tooth destruction. The presence of purulent drain-
                                                                         age usually indicates the formation of a sinus in the
                                                                         adjacent jawbone.
                    Adrenal Disease
                                                                           A standard dental series in a ferret should include
                    Adrenal disease is encountered regularly in ferrets,   (as with most animals) at least the four projections
                    both as a secondary manifestation of pituitary disease   shown in Figure 27-17. The open-mouth position often
                    and as a result of a primary pituitary tumor (Figure   reduces diagnostically confusing superimposition,
                    27-12). In the case of pituitary-dependent disease, both   especially in the rostral part of the mouth.
                    adrenals become enlarged, whereas only the diseased    Occlusal film can also be used to eliminate dental

                    gland increases in size in a primary adrenal tumor.   superimposition but is difficult to position to avoid

                    Primary pituitary disorders are also much more likely   distorting the appearance of individual teeth (geometric
                    to distort the appearance of the gland and alter its   distortion). Placing a small lead marker on the surface
                    interior (as determined sonographically).            of a draining sinus helps establish its potential origin
                                                                         when viewing subsequent radiographs. Likewise, sin-
                                                                         ography can be used to conclusively establish that
                    Dental and Paradental Disease
                                                                         a specifi c tooth is the source of drainage.
                    Dental examinations in small animals can be diffi cult,
                    even with the aid of occlusal films (Figure 27-13). Per-  Spinal Fractures

                    formed with a conventional x-ray machine and receiver
                    system, oblique projections become a necessity. Open-  Fortunately, spinal fractures rarely occur in ferrets;
                    mouth obliques are even better. Anesthesia is manda-  most fractures are crush injuries. Paraplegia is often
                    tory (Figure 27-14). Double fi lm marking will reduce the   the consequence, as is the case with dogs. With patience
                    incidence of medical errors related to the radiographic   and a little ingenuity, it is possible to rehabilitate many
                    misidentifi cation of diseased teeth (Figure 27-15).  of these animals (Figure 27-18).

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