Page 45 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 45
CHAPTER 3 III Cage Birds 41
Figure 3-1 • Veterinarian visually inspects a Congo African Gray parrot in the Radiology Department.
tively small, being comprised mainly of medium-sized Size Matters
parrots such as the African Gray (Figure 3-1) and the
Amazon (Figure 3-2). We see comparatively few small Radiographic assessment of small birds is often diffi -
parrots, such as budgies and lovebirds (Figure 3-3), cult because of a combination of small size and low
and almost no canaries. Occasionally, cockatiels are contrast. Even when enhanced by CR or DR software,
referred for contrast studies related to suspected gas- the image quality of a budgie pales in comparison with
trointestinal disease (Figure 3-4). that of a medium-sized parrot (Figure 3-5).
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