Page 4 - Hand rearing birds second
P. 4



                 Notes on Contributors  ix
                 Preface  xix
                 Acknowledgments  xxi

             1   Baby Bird Basics  1
                 Rebecca S. Duerr

             2   Identification and Aging  19
                 Linda M. Tuttle-Adams

             3   Incubation  53
                 Susie Kasielke

             4   Ratites  75
                 Dale A. Smith

             5   Ducks, Geese, and Swans  89
                 Marjorie Cahak Gibson

             6   Sea Ducks  107
                 Michele Goodman

             7   Domestic Poultry  119
                 Nora Pihkala and Yuko Sato

             8   Wild Turkeys, Quail, Grouse, and Pheasants  137
                 Marjorie Cahak Gibson

             9   Loons  151
                 Renée Schott and Jesse Menne

             10  Grebes  167
                 Jessika Madison-Kennedy and Rebecca S. Duerr
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