Page 30 - Natural Antioxidants, Applications in Foods of Animal Origin
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Mechanism of Oxidation in Foods of Animal Origin                 9  acid. LOX use molecular oxygen to catalyze the stereo and regiospecific

            oxygenation of PUFA with 1-cis, 4-cis-pentadiene moieties (Kolakowska,
            2002). LOX react enzymatically with more than one methylene carbon on
            the substrate molecule  to yield double oxygenation sites (German et al.,
            1992). The newly formed fatty acid peroxy free radical removes hydrogen
            from another unsaturated fatty acid molecule to form a conjugated hydro-
            peroxy diene. LOX forms a high-energy (radical) intermediate complex with
            the substrate; this complex is capable of initiating the oxidation of lipids
            and other compounds (e.g., carotenoids,  chlorophyll,  tocopherols, thiol
            compounds, and protein), which can themselves interact with the enzyme
            substrate complex as well (Hammer, 1993; Hultin, 1994).
               Kolakowska (2002) reported that mammalian LOX are categorized
            according  to  the  positional  specificity  of  oxygen  insertion  into  arachi-
            donic acid. Four isoform positions of arachidonate LOX have been identi-
            fied:  5-LOX  (E.C.,  8-LOX,  12-LOX  (E.C.,  and
            15-LOX (E.C. The LOX that catalyzes oxidation of linoleate
            (E.C. attacks linoleic acid, both at position 9 and position 13.
            In chicken meat arachidonate, 15-LOX was found to be active during
            12-month  storage  at  −20  °C  (Grossman  et  al.,  1988).  In  frozen-stored
            fish, LOX contributes to oxidative lipid deterioration. However, LOX in
            fish is also responsible for the formation of desirable fresh fish flavor, the
            seaweed flavor (Lindsay, 1994). Some species show a higher activity of
            12-LOX, while 15-LOX is more active in others; for this reason, the fresh
            fish flavor spectrum is species dependent. The half-lives of 12- and 15-
            LOX at 0 °C were less than 3 h and more than 10 h, respectively (German
            et al., 1992). LOX was observed to be active in cold-stored fish after 48 h
            of storage (Medina et al., 1999). The storage of herring, three weeks at
            −20 °C, resulted in an increase in LOX activity. During prolonged frozen
            storage of herring, a decrease in LOX activity was observed (Samson &
            Stodolnik, 2001). Sae-leaw et al. (2013) reported that the development of
            fishy odor in Nile tilapia skin during iced storage was mostly governed by
            lipid oxidation via autoxidation or induced by LOX. Although the partici-
            pation of LOX in the post mortem animal lipid oxidation is acknowledged,
            the role of LOX in lipid oxidation is much more important in plant than
            in animal food products. LOXs are responsible for the off flavor in frozen
            vegetables (Ganthavorn et al., 1991), lipid oxidation in cereal products,
            rapeseed, pea, avocado, and muscle foods, and for the beany and bitter
            flavor (Frankel, 1998).
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