Page 357 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 357

Common integument (integumentum commune)   339

                  Hormonal regulation of the mammary gland       oxytocin. This hormone, originating from the neurohy-  Development of the mammary gland and secretion of  pophysis (see Chapter 9, ‘Endocrine system’), promotes
                  milk is largely under hormonal control.  Oestrogens  contraction of myoepithelial cells that surround the alveoli
                  induce development of the duct system. Development  and parts of the excretory duct system. Hormones that
                  and growth of the secretory end pieces (alveoli) occurs  regulate metabolism (e.g. thyroxin, growth hormone) also
                  under the influence of progesterone. During pregnancy,  have a stimulatory effect on the mammary gland.
                  the inhibitory effect of oestrogen on prolactin suppresses
                  the activity of the mammary gland.             Sructure of the teat (papilla mammae)
                     Following parturition, blood oestrogen levels decre-  Teats are classified as being of the proliferation type (rumi-
                  ase and prolactin concentrations increase, leading to the  nants, horse) or the eversion type (pig, carnivores). Within
                  induction of parturition. Milk let-down is facilitated by  the teat is the teat sinus (the papillary component of the





                  15.23  Cross-section of the wall of a teat (cow).   15.24  Cross-section of the mid-section of the wall of a
                  Hamatoxylin and eosin stain (x20).             teat (mid-section; ewe). Haematoxylin and eosin stain

                  15.25  Longitudinal section of a teat (calf). Haematoxylin   15.26  Longitudinal section of a teat (sow). Haematoxylin
                  and eosin stain (x20).                         and eosin stain (x14).

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