Page 119 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 119
Cast Application 115
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Figure 19-6 Foam padding applied before fiberglass Figure 19- 7 Applying fiberglass casting material.
casting tape is applied.
the cast and the limb and to protect the skin from
the fiberglass material. A variety of materials are
available for cast padding.1 A water-curable foam
padding" is commonly used and appears to de-
crease cast sores3 (Figure 19-6). The foam padding
should be set on the limb with only minimal
tension. The cast material should be applied with
only enough tension to avoid wrinkling. Each
turn should be overlapped by half a tape width.
The tension used when applying the cast material
can be increased gradually as the number of layers
in the cast increases. For most fiberglass cast Figure 19-8 Incorporation of a heel wedge into the
materials) the horse should be maintained in bottom of the cast. A partial roll of casting tape has been
recumbency for 20 minutes after cast application incorporated into the heel (left) and acrylic applied to
provide an even weight bearing surface (right).
to allow for curing.
Half Limb Cast strength compared with wider casting tape. Four-
A double layer of stockinette is rolled from the inch-wide cast tape should be used for subsequent
foot to above the carpus or tarsus and held in layers (Figure 19- 7). Cast material should be
place with towel clamps. The stockinette should applied with only enough tension to avoid wrin-
kling and with each turn overlapped by half a tape
fit snugly and be stretched to avoid wrinkles. A 2-
inch-wide felt strip is then placed over the width. Before the last layer of cast material is
metacarpal-metatarsal bones at the proximal limit applied, the stockinette is folded down and held
of the cast, which should be 2 cm distal to the in place by the last cast layer. Adhesive tape is used
carpal or tarsal joint. Custom support foam or to seal the proximal end of the cast. The entire
other cast padding material is applied starting length of cast should be covered in five to eight
proximally and working distally, with special layers of tape." Generally, five or six rolls of casting
attention paid to adequately cover the coronary tape are used in a half limb cast. Casts providing
band. This is immediately followed by a layer of mechanical support for severe orthopedic injuries
2- to 3-inch-wide casting material. The initial require more layers than do casts providing soft
2- to 3-inch layer allows better contouring of the tissue support for wound healing. A heel wedge
cast material to the limb but has decreased should be placed so that the toe and heel of the
cast are level when the limb is directly under the
horse (Figure 19-8). Acrylic or other durable
"Custom Support Foam; 3M Animal Health Care Prod- material is applied to the bottom of the cast to
ucts, St. Paul, Minn. prevent wear (Figure 19-9).