Page 16 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 16


                      chlorhexidine.  Although  uncommon,  011e disad-                                                                           normal saline  or lactated  Ringer's  solution,  meet

                     vantage  of  povidone-iodine  is  a  skin  reaction,                                                                        these  criteria  and  are  the  most  commonly  used

                     which  seems  to  be  more  frequent  after  clipping,                                                                      solutions.  Tap  water  is  often  used  initially  to

                      scrubbing,  rinsing  with  70°/o  alcohol,  spraying                                                                       reduce  gross  contamination  i11  heavily  contami-

                     with  povidone-iodine  solution,  and  bandaging.                                                                           nated  wounds.  In  these  cases, subsequent  lavage

                      Detergent  forms  of  chlorhexidine  should  not be                                                                        with  sterile  isotonic  fluid  may  help  restore  tissue

                      used  around  the  eye, because  exposure  may lead                                                                        normotonicity  and  reduce  edema.

                      to  corneal  edema  and bulbous  keratopathy."?                                                                                   Wound  lavage  should  also  be  considered  for

                            The mechanical  effect of scrubbing  the wound                                                                        closed  wounds.  The  advantages  of  flushing  a

                      with  these antiseptic  soaps is helpful  i11 removing                                                                      closed  wound  include  the  dilution  and mobiliza-

                      debris  and  reducing  bacterial  concentration  at the                                                                     tion  of exudates and  the  delivery  of medication.

                      wound surface. A marked  delay in wound  healing                                                                            The  disadvantages  are that bacteria can be readily

                      occurs  if the  soap  is not  thoroughly  rinsed  from                                                                      introduced into  the  wound  and  dead  space  may

                      the wound.  Additionally, even though  these  anti-                                                                         be created  or expanded.

                      septics  are effective, much  of the  bacterial  popt1-

                      lation  i11 the skin resides in protected  hair follicles,

                      sebaceous  glands,  and crevices in the  lipid coat of                                                                      WOUND  DEBRIDEMENT

                      the  superficial  epithelium.

                                                                                                                                                  The  goal of debridement  is to  obtain  fresh,  clean

                                                                                                                                                  wound  margins  and skin edges for primary  closure

                      WOUND LAVAGE                                                                                                                and  to  remove  contaminated  tissues  and  foreign

                                                                                                                                                  material  so that wound  healing  can  progress  effi-

                       Bacteria  adhere  to  the wound  surface  by an  elec-                                                                     ciently during  second-intention  healing.

                       trostatic  charge.  Lavage  cleans  the  wound  of                                                                                Debridement  involves the  removal  of dead  or

                       debris and  reduces the bacterial numbers,  inflam-                                                                         damaged  tissue,  foreign  bodies,  and bacteria that

                       matory  mediators,  and substances  that potentiate                                                                         compromise  local  defense  mechanisms.  Liberal

                       infection.  In  addition,  lavage  stimulates  periph-                                                                      removal  of contaminated  fascia, fat,  and  muscle

                       eral  microcirculation  through  its  gentle  massag-                                                                       and  careful  retention  of  bone,  tendons,  nerves,

                       ing  action,  which  may  favor  the  formation  of                                                                         and  major  vessels  are  important.  Fascia,  fat, and

                       granulation  tissue.  Lavage  is  easy  to  perform,                                                                        muscle  all  have  excellent  blood  supply  and

                       requires  no  special  equipment,  is  cost  effective,                                                                     provide  excellent media  for  the  growth  of conta-

                       and  is well tolerated  by most patients.                                                                                   minating  organisms.  Although  skeletal  muscle  is

                              Lavage solutions  are most  effective when deliv-                                                                    not replaced,  tl1ere are usually  sufficient remain-

                       ered  by a fluid  jet  of at least  8  psi."  Pressures  of                                                                 ing  muscle  fibers  or  alternative  muscle  groups

                        10  to  15  psi  are  approximately  80°/o  effective  in                                                                  available  to  make  up  for  the loss.  Small pieces  of

                        removing  substances  that potentiate  infection  and                                                                      bone  that have lost  their blood  supply  should be

                        adherent  bacteria  from  a wound.5  Although  this                                                                        removed.

                        pressure  cannot  be  achieved  by  gravity  flow  or

                        lavage  with  a  bulb  syringe,  adequate  pulsatile                                                                       Surgical Debridement

                        pressure  can  be  attained  by forcefully  expressing

                        lavage  solutions  from  a  35-  or  60-mL  syringe                                                                        Surgical  debridement  may  be  accomplished  in  a

                        through  an  18-gauge  needle  or  by  using  a spray                                                                      variety  of  ways  (en  bloc,  layered,  or  staged).  E11

                        bottle or a Waterl'ik. The WaterPik  delivers 40 to                                                                        bloc  resection  is  probably  the  most  effective

                        50mL/min  at 10 to  15  psi at the low-intermediate                                                                         method  of surgical debridement but may result in

                        setting  and is  effective for  heavily  contaminated                                                                       the loss of some viable tissue.  With this technique,

                        wounds.  Care  must be  taken  not to  drive  conta-                                                                        the  entire  wound  is  excised  at  its  margins  such

                        minants  deeper  into  the  wound  or  inadvertently                                                                        that  all  wounded  and  contaminated  tissue  is

                        separate  loose  fascial planes.                                                                                            removed.  This  method  is  primarily  reserved  for

                               The ideal lavage solution should  be sterile, iso-                                                                   draining  tracts  and areas  where  significant  tissue

                         tonic,  norrnothermic,  nontoxic,  and  compatible                                                                         loss can occur without consequence.  With layered

                         with  antibiotic  or  disinfectant  medications  that                                                                      debridement,  tissue removal is started at the most

                         may  be  added.  Isotonic  crystalloids,  such  as                                                                         superficial  tissue  layer  and  is  continued  into  the

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