Page 31 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 31

Emergency  Management  of the Fracture  Patient                                                               27

                        Figure  4-6  Section  2  hind  limb  fracture,  third                                                                      Figure 4-7  Section 3  forelimb, diaphyseal and prox-

                        metatarsal  bone,  stabilized  using  plantar  and  lateral                                                                imal  radial  fractures,  stabilized  using  similar  bandage

                        splints over a moderate  Robert  Jones bandage.                                                                            and  palmar  splint  as for section  2  fractures.  Here  the

                                                                                                                                                   lateral splint  is extended  to lie against the  lateral aspect

                                                                                                                                                   of the  shoulder  and prevent  limb  abduction.

                        Section  3

                        Diaphyseal and  proximal  radial  fractures  should

                        be  stabilized  with  a  Robert  Jones  bandage  aL1g-

                        mented  with  caudal and lateral splints applied as

                        for  section  2  with  the  exception  that  the  lateral

                        splint  extends proximally to lie against the lateral

                        aspect of the shoulder  (see Figure 4-2). The prox-

                        imal  extension  of the  splint  is  essential because

                        of minimal  soft tissue protection  over the medial

                        aspect  of the  radius.  The  splint  prevents  abduc-

                       tion  of the distal limb and penetration  of the skin

                       by the fractured  bone ends at the medial aspect of

                       the  fracture  line  (Figure  4- 7).  Tarsal and  tibial

                        fractures  are  especially  difficult  to  immobilize

                       because of the reciprocal apparatus  ( see Figure 4-

                       2).  A  Robert  Jones  bandage  is  applied  as  for

                       section  2,  but  in  this  case  the  bandage  should

                       extend  to  the  level of the  patella  with  the  splint

                       preventing  slippage.  The  splint  should  extend

                       proximally to lie against the lateral thigh  and hip

                        and  prevent  skin  penetration  by  fracture  bone

                        ends from  limb  abduction.  Ideally, a lightweight

                       metal  splint  or  steel concrete  reinforcement  rod

                       shaped to the hock and stifle angulations and bent

                       back upon  itself is used as the lateral portion  of a                                                                      Figure 4-8  Section 3 hind limb, tibia, and tarsal frac-

                       Schroeder-Thomas  splint,  Cast  material  can  be                                                                          tures,  stabilized  using  lateral  splint  over  a  moderate

                       wrapped  around  the  bent  rod  for  additional                                                                            Robert  Jones bandage.  The  splint  is made  of a specifi-

                       strength  (Figure 4-8). Alternatively, the splint  can                                                                      cally bent  aluminum  rod  enforced  with  synthetic  cast

                       be made of a wide (20 cm) wooden board  (Figure                                                                             material  and  extending  proximally  to  lie  against  the

                       4-9). In all options, the splint is incorporated  into                                                                      thigh  and hip to prevent  limb  abduction.
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