Page 51 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 51

Periosteal Transection and Elevation                                                47


                                               Site of




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                                                                                                                                                    Figu re  6-3  Occasionally,  a  rudimentary  cartilagi-

                                                                                                                                                    nous  ulna is noted,  which  should  be transected  using a

                        Figure  6-1  Incision  site  for  periosteal  transection                                                                   No.  10 scalpel blade. When  ossified, as is typical in older

                        on  the  lateral  aspect  of the  left  forelimb  between  the                                                              foals, a segmental  ulnar ostectomy should be performed

                        common  (1)  and  lateral  (2)  digital  extensor  tendons                                                                  using rongeurs.
                        starting  at  the  level  of  the  distal  radial  physis  and

                        extending  proximal  3  to 4 cm.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ ~:G~.t,-...,.,__

                                                                                                                                                    Figure  6-4  The  periosteum  is  initially  transected

                                                                                                                                                    along  the  lateral  hemicircumference  of the  bone.  The

                                                                                                                                                    periosteum  is  then  incised  longitudinally  extending

                                                                                                                                                    proximally 3 to 4 cm from and connecting with the hor-

                                                                                                                                                    izontal  periosteal  transection.  The  resulting  paired  tri-

                                                                                                                                                    angular  shaped  flaps of periosteum  are elevated with  a

                                                                                                                                                    periosteal  elevator.

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                         Figure  6-2  Incision  site  for  periosteal  transection

                         011  the  lateral  aspect  of the  left  tibia  on  either  side                                                           in older foals, a segmental  ulnar  ostectomy  should

                         ( dotted  lines)  of the lateral  digital extensor  tendon  (1)                                                            be  performed  using  rongeurs  (Figure  6-3).  The

                         starting at the level of the distal tibial physis and extend-                                                              periosteum  is then incised  longitudinally  extend-

                         ing proximal  3 to 4 cm.                                                                                                   ing  proximally  3  to  4  cm  from  and  connecting

                                                                                                                                                     with  the  horizontal  periosteal  transection.  The

                         the  cranial  and  caudal planes.  The  subcutaneous                                                                        resulting  paired  triangular  shaped  flaps  of  per-

                         tissues  and  tendons  are  elevated  with  curved                                                                          iosteum  are  elevated  with  a  periosteal  elevator

                         hemostatic  forceps. A No.  1211ooked scalpel blade                                                                         (Figure 6-4). The subcutaneous  tissues are sutured

                         is used to transect  the periosteum  along the lateral                                                                      with  absorbable  material  in a simple  continuous

                         hemicircumference  of the bone. When  performed                                                                             pattern,  and  the  skin is sutured  closed with  intra-

                         for  treatment  of carpal  valgus,  the  rudimentary                                                                        dermal  sutures  or with  simple interrupted sutures

                          cartilaginous  ulna should  also be transected  using                                                                      of  No.  3-0  nonabsorbable  monofilament  suture

                          a No. l O  scalpel blade.  When  ossified, as is typical                                                                   material.  The wound is bandaged  routinely.

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