Page 60 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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reports, 125 to 1000 mg of amikacin or gentam-
icin per perfusion has been used. 3-6 For other
antibiotics, the systemic dose or less is used.
Exsanguination of blood from the distal limb
is recommended before perfusion of the tissues.
Placement of the intravenous catheter is easier
before exsanguination. Placement of the bone
screw can be done easily before or after ex-
sanguination. For exsanguination, an Esmarch
bandage is applied to the limb from the hoof to
Figure 8-1 A horse with a chronic distal limb infec- the distal cannon bone and secured tightly at the
proximal end to prevent loss of the perfusate into
the systemic circulation. A pneumatic tourniquet
can also be applied at the proximal end of the
Esmarch bandage to prevent loss of the perfusate.
After applying the tourniquet or securing the
Esmarch bandage at the proximal end, the distal
portion of the bandage is unwrapped (Figure
8-4). In cases with extensive cellulitis, application
of an Esmarch bandage is not recommended
because of the risk of forcing bacteria from the
Figure 8-2 Cannulated 4-inm screw with a nut and
adapter welded to the head,
Figure 8-4 A, A pneumatic tourniquet is applied at
Figure 8-3 Contrast distribution 5 minutes after the proximal end of the Esmarch bandage to prevent
injection into the palmar digital vein in the distal loss of the perfusate. B, The distal portion of the
pastern region. bandage is then unwrapped,