Page 69 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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                                                                                                                                    Mid Metacarpal-Metatarsal  Tendon Laceration  Repair                                                                    65

                       limb  i11  fetlock  flexion.  Disadvantages  of  the                                                                        tra,  excessive  granulation  tissue,  stringhalt  gait,

                        Kimzey  splint  include prolonged  immobilization                                                                          and  fetlock  contracture  if the  limb  is  chronically

                        with  the  distal  limb  in  flexion  and  the  need                                                                       flexed  because  of  pain  or  inadequate  extensor

                        to  keep  the  limb  from  bearing  weight  during                                                                         tendon  function.  Wound  infection,  dehiscence,

                        bandage changes.  A full limb  cast extending  to the                                                                      sequestrum  formation,  and  excessive granulation

                        proximal tibia will decrease  strain  on the superfi-                                                                      tissue  can  be  managed  by  local  debridement

                        cial  digital  flexor  tendon  during  repair  by  pre-                                                                    and  wound  therapy.  Stringhalt  development  is

                        venting  hock  flexion,  but  generally,  the  risk  of                                                                    uncommonly  seen  after  wounds  i11  the  proximal

                        complications  with  a full limb  cast  is not  worth                                                                      dorsal  metatarsal  region  and may require  surgery

                        the benefit when repairing  superficial digital flexor                                                                     for  treatment.15  Distal  limb  contracture  can  be

                        tendon lacerations  in the  metatarsal  region.                                                                            prevented  by monitoring  for  adequate  use of the

                                                                                                                                                   lower limb and  splinting  as needed.

                        Extensor Tendon Lacerations                                                                                                       Complications  of  flexor  tendon  lacerations

                                                                                                                                                   include  dehiscence,  wound  infection,  tendon

                        In  the early phases  of extensor  tendon  healing,  a                                                                     degeneration  secondary  to  infection,  inadequate

                        distal limb  splint  is recommended  to  support  the                                                                      repair  strength,  vascular  compromise  to the lower

                        digit iI1 extension.  Often, the support of a bandage                                                                      limb,  cast  complications,  adhesions,  contracture,

                        is  sufficient  to  prevent  flexion,  as  some  digital                                                                   and  contralateral  limb  laminitis.  Dehiscence  and

                        extension  is due to momentum  as the limb swings                                                                          wound  complications  are  managed  by  debride-

                        forward.  If primary  repair  is  performed,  cast  or                                                                     ment  and  second  intention  healing.  Inadequate

                        splint support should  be provided for a minimum                                                                           repair strength  is best prevented  and managed  by

                        of 4 weeks.                                                                                                                adequate  limb  immobilization  and  a  gradual

                                                                                                                                                    decrease  in limb  support.  No  direct  treatment  is

                        Contralateral  Limb Support                                                                                                 available  for  vascular  compromise.  Cast  compli-

                                                                                                                                                    cations  are  common  but  can  be  minimized  by

                        Support should  be provided for the opposite  limb                                                                          careful  daily  monitoring  of  the  cast  and  cast

                        to decrease the risk of contralateral limb lameness,                                                                        changes  as  indicated.  Contracture  is  a  complex

                        reduce  edema,  and elevate the  contralateral  limb                                                                       problem  resulting  from  prolonged  immobiliza-

                        to  a similar height  as the  casted  limb. A support                                                                      tion or pain  and  healing with excessive surround-

                        bandage  and  foot  elevation  are  often  applied  to                                                                      ing  scar  tissue.  Flexor  tendon  lacerations  in

                        the  contralateral limb."  In  cases  of severe injury,                                                                     nonsheathed  areas  are  less  likely  to  have  this

                        support  to  the  contralateral  limb  is  essential  to                                                                    complication,  ai1d a gradually  increasing  exercise

                        decrease the chances  of contralateral limb lamini-                                                                         program  improves  most  cases. Contralateral  limb

                        tis.  This  can be  provided  iI1  the  form  of frog and                                                                   laminitis  is  a  severe  complication.  Appropriate

                        caudal  support,  heel  elevation,  and  decreased                                                                          support of the contralateral limb and early aggres-

                        breakover.  Commercial  shoes  are  available  and                                                                          sive treatment  for the primary problem  can min-

                        work  well  for  this  purpose  (Redden  Modified                                                                           imize  its  occurrence.  Appropriate  treatment  for

                        Ultimate,  Nanric Inc., Versailles,  Ky.).
                                                                                                                                                    contralateral  limb  larninitis  .includes  corrective

                                                                                                                                                    shoeing,  deep  bedding,  stall  rest,  analgesics  and,

                        EXPECTED OUTCOME                                                                                                            ideally, resolution  of the primary problem.

                        With optimal  treatme11t,  riding soundness  occurs

                        in  approximately  75°/o  of extensor tendon lacera-                                                                        ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES

                        tions  and  SOo/o  of  flexor  tendon  Iacerations.Y'"

                         Return  to  significant  athletic  activity  has  been                                                                     Annular  ligament  desmotomy  may  be  indicated

                        reported  in  23°/o  to  50%  of flexor  tendon lacera-                                                                     in  some  cases  if  superficial  or  deep  digital

                         tions'v" and 71 o/o of extensor tendon lacerations."                                                                       flexor  tendon  swelling is impeded  by the annular

                                                                                                                                                    ligament.  Typically,  this  is  performed  several

                                                                                                                                                    weeks or  even months  after the  tendon  injury.  A

                         COMPLICATIONS                                                                                                              limited case report  suggests that annular  ligament

                                                                                                                                                    desmotorny  within  1  to  3  days after  acute super-

                         Complications  of  extensor  tendon  lacerations                                                                           ficial  tendon  rupture  in  racehorses  may  be

                         include wound  infection,  dehiscence, bone seques-                                                                        beneficial.            16
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