Page 96 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 96  Humoral Innate Immunity

               The Complement System

               CHAPTER OUTLINE

                 Complement Proteins, 27

                 Activation Pathways, 27

                         The Alternative Pathway, 27

                         The Lectin Pathway, 29

                         The Classical Pathway, 30

                         The Amplification Pathway, 31

                 Regulation of Complement Activation, 32

                         Complement Receptors (CR), 32

                 Other Consequences of Complement Activation, 33

                         Opsonization, 33

                         Removal of Apoptotic Cells, 33

                         Inflammation, 33

                         Blood Coagulation, 33

                         Chemotaxis, 34

                         Immune Regulation, 34

                 Complement Genes, 35

                 Complement Deficiencies, 35

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