Page 26 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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                                                                                                                                                   Figure  3-14  Previously repaired  pastern laceration
                        Figure  3-13                    Partial  closure  of subcutaneous  tissue

                       over Penrose drain.  Drain  sutured  in place (arrow)  and                                                                  showing  evidence  of skin  necrosis secondary  to ban-

                        exits the site distal to the incision or wound  site to avoid                                                              dages  applied  over  tension  suture  supports.  Three

                        the  primary  incision  line.                                                                                              horizontal  mattress  sutures  had  been  placed  with
                                                                                                                                                   polyethylene supports  2 weeks previously.

                        tubing, function  by  gravity  or  pressure  differen-

                        tials  (Figure  3-13).  The  ideal  drain  is  inert,  soft,

                        smooth,  nonreactive,  and  radiopaque.  The  disad-                                                                        associated  with  complications.                                      18   Relief  incisions

                        vantages of drains  include  the potential  introduc-                                                                       away  from  the  wound  margins  can  sometimes

                        tion  of bacteria  or foreign bodies into  the wound,                                                                       decrease  tension.  The  relief  incisions  may  be

                        the  care  involved  to  maintain  patency,  and  the                                                                       closed  after  the  primary  incision  is closed  or left

                        potential  irritation  and  resultant  scar  tissue  and                                                                    to heal by second  intention.

                        adhesion  formation  that  may  occur  as the result                                                                              Tension  suture  patterns  used  to  reduce  the

                         of  a  foreign  body  reaction.  Drains  should  be                                                                        tension  on the primary  suture line are placed  well

                        removed after  2 to  3  days, when  infection  is con-                                                                      back  from  the  wound  margins  so  that  the  blood

                        trolled,  or  if they are  not functioning  effectively.                                                                    supply  is  not  compromised.  Once  the  tension

                         Ideally,  wound  drainage  is  expected  to  change                                                                        sutures  are  in  place,  the  primary  incision  line  is

                         from  an exudate  to a transudate,  and the quantity                                                                       sutured to appose the wound  edges. Widely placed

                         is  expected  to  gradually  diminish  to  negligible                                                                      vertical mattress  sutures,  with  or without support

                         levels during the 2-  to  3-day period.                                                                                    using  buttons,  gauze,  or  rubber  or  polyethylene

                                                                                                                                                    tubing,  are  effective  in  reducing  tension  on  the

                                                                                                                                                    primary suture  line.  Other  tension  suture  patterns

                         MANAGEMENT  OF SKIN TENSION                                                                                                 include  horizontal  mattress,  far-near-near-far,

                                                                                                                                                     and  far-far-near-near  patterns.  Tension  sutures

                         Excess tension  on a primary  suture line is likely to                                                                      with supports  are used  in regions  tl1at  cannot  be

                         complicate  healing  via local ischemia,  cutting out                                                                       effectively  bandaged  ( e.g.,  upper  body,  neck),

                         of  sutures,  and  wound  disruption.  Methods  to                                                                          whereas no  supports  are used  under  bandages  or

                         decrease  tension  on  the  primary  suture  line                                                                           casts, because  pressure on the supports may cause

                         include  undermining  the  surrounding  skin,  pro-                                                                         tissue  necrosis  (Figure  3-14).  Tension  sutures  are

                         viding  relief  incisions,  and  the  use  of  tension                                                                      removed  iI1  4  to  10  days,  depending  on  the

                          suture  patterns.  Although  excessive undermining                                                                         appearance  of  the  wound.  Staggered  removal  is

                          is deleterious,  undermining  up  to  4 cm  from the                                                                       preferred,  removing  half  of the  sutures  initially

                         wound  edge  011 distal  limb  wounds  has not  been                                                                        and  the remaining  half  later.
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