Page 9 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 9


                                                                                               Surgical Instruments

                                                                                                           David A.  Wilson

                This  chapter  serves as a reference  for the  various                                                                      scalpel  handle  is  usually  held  in  a  "pencil-grip"

                surgical  instruments  referred  to  throughout  the                                                                        fashion  to  allow for  finer  motor  control.  The No.

                book.  The  equine  surgeon  should  become  famil-                                                                         4  handle  and  its  associated  blades  are  used  for

                iar with the  instruments,  how  they  handle,  what                                                                        larger  areas  where  precision  is  not  a  major

                procedures  they  should  and  should  not  be used                                                                         concern.

                for, and when they should be used.  Using the right

                instrument  at  the  right  time  is essential  to  good                                                                    Scissors

                surgical  technique.  Selecting  the  appropriate

                instrument  ensures  minimal  trauma  to  tissues                                                                           Many types of scissors  are available depending  on

                and  that  the procedure  will be  performed  in  the                                                                       the  job  to  be  performed.  These  include  scissors

                least  amount  of time with  the  least  harm  to  the                                                                      designed  to  cut various  types  of  tissue  and  scis-

                patient.  Handling  the  instruments  in  practice                                                                          sors  designed  to  cut  suture,  wire,  or  bandage

                cadaver  or  laboratory  settings  is  essential  to                                                                        material.  Operating  scissors  are classified  accord-

                become  proficient  enough  to  handle  them  effec-                                                                        ing  to  the  shape  of the  tips,  for  example,  sharp-

                tively in surgical  situations.                                                                                             sharp,  sharp-blunt,  and  blunt-blunt  (Figure  2-3).

                                                                                                                                            When  using the appropriate  scissors, the tip of the

                                                                                                                                            scissors is used to cut tissue,  the tip or body is used

                 INSTRUMENTS                                                                                                                to  cut sutures,  and  the  heel  is used to  cut wire.

                                                                                                                                                   Metzenbaum  scissors are relatively delicate and

                 Scalpel blades used for the No.  3 scalpel handle  are                                                                     are  made  for  precise  dissection,  whereas  Mayo

                 sizes  10,  11, 12, and  15  (Figure  2-1).  Scalpel blade                                                                 scissors are made  for tissues with  more  substance,

                 sizes 20, 21> and  22 are made  for the No.  4 scalpel                                                                     Mayo and Metzenbaum  scissors  are available with

                 handle  (Figure  2-2).  The  No.  10 blade  on  a No. 3                                                                    straight  or  curved  blades.  The  straight  blades  are

                 Bard-Parker  handle  is used  for  most  equine  sur-                                                                      designed  for  working  close  to  the  surface  of  the

                 gical procedures.  However, the No.  11  and  No.  15                                                                      wound,  and  the  curved  scissors  are  used  for

                 blades  are useful  when  very precise  or small inci-                                                                     working  deeper  in  the  wound  (Figure  2-4).  For

                 sions  are required.  The sharp  tip  on both the  No.                                                                     blunt  dissection,  the closed tips  of the scissors are

                 11  and  No.  12  blades  is  useful  for  lancing                                                                         inserted into the tissue and then  opened  to spread

                 abscesses.  Typically,  the  scalpel  handle  is  held                                                                     the tissue.  Tissue  scissors  should  not  be  used  to

                 between  the  thumb  and  the  third  and  fourth                                                                           cut  suture  or wire.

                 fingers, with the index finger placed  over the back                                                                              Bandage  scissors  are  designed  with  angled

                 of  the  handle  to  apply  pressure  on  the  blade.                                                                      blades,  and  the  lower  blade  has  a small  "button"

                 When  using  the  No.  11  and  No.  15  blades,  the                                                                       tip  to  protect  the  underlying  structures  and

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