Page 29 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 29

Chapter 1  Professional Conduct and Foundation Skills  13

             especially mindful of supplies and equipment necessary   Human–Animal Bond
             to have everything on hand. This also goes for your work
             duties. Set priories for accomplishing all tasks and work   The relationship between a human and an animal can
             efficiently to stay ahead. Be flexible though, as one never   be very complex and often involves a broad range of
             knows how animals will react in a veterinary setting and   emotions. Relationships  between animals and people
             sometimes things such as schedules can be knocked off   have evolved from predominantly the utilitarian model
             track because of an uncooperative patient or a patient   in an agrarian environment to a companionship model
             that requires extensive care.
                                                                in an urban environment. In either instance, the bonds
                                                                between people and animals is complex, unique, and
                                                                may change over time and circumstances. It is real, ever‐
               Information Exercise                             changing in intensity, and induces physical changes in
                                                                the limbic system of the brain.
               Brainstorm with your classmates on how to           Veterinary medicine can improve the human–animal
               develop a strategy for learning and remembering   bond. The veterinary staff including the veterinary
               the sequence of various procedures. Start with   assistant can either encourage or discourage positive
               the very routine procedures like toenail trims, ear   client behaviors towards their animals.
               cleaning, and vaccinations. Think about what        We often associate the human–animal bond with
               equipment or supplies will be needed. Consider   companion animals such as dogs, cats, pocket pets, and
               marking down the steps and supplies in a small   birds. However, there is a move towards bringing more
               notebook you can carry in your scrub suit pocket.   livestock and poultry into the urban setting than ever
               Utilize this until you are confident that everything is   before. Each species of animal plays a part in the client’s
               ready to go for those procedures.
                                                                life ranging from companionship, playmate, surrogate
                                                                children, and comfort to warmth and food. Regardless
                                                                of the circumstance, it is our job to understand the dif­
             Application of Veterinary                          ferent bonds, support the client in decisions, and not
                                                                pass judgments on the perceived loving or unloving
             Ethics                                             client.
                                                                   A way to determine how bonded an individual client
             Ethics are defined as the rules or principles that govern   is to their animal takes some powers of observation. How
             right conduct. What is right or correct varies within a   does the client take care of their animal? How do they
             culture and society and changes over time. It is to be   interact with their animal? How do they talk about or
             hoped that you were taught the difference between right   describe their animal? These are all questions to ask
             and wrong behavior, to be a kind and caring person, and   yourself to help interpret how strong the bond is bet­
             to stand up for what is right or just.             ween a client and their animal.
               The AVMA and the NAVTA provide codes of ethics on   Sometimes there is an aberration in the human–
             their websites to help make difficult decisions and to   animal bond, ranging from totally absent to an over‐reli­
             provide guidelines for how to behave in a veterinary   ance on the animal for emotional or physical support.
             practice.                                          This broad spectrum often causes compassion fatigue in
                                                                veterinary staff. Clients making decisions because of a
                                                                lack of knowledge, a lack of caring, or a total dependence
               Information Exercise                             on the life of a pet can become very burdensome. By
                                                                understanding the human–animal bond in its many
                                                                forms you can interact more effectively with clients,
               Utilizing the internet, find these key points in both
               the AVMA’s Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics   support clients compassionately during times of crisis,
               and the NAVTA’s Veterinary Technician Code of    and know when to rein back your involvement to prevent
               Ethics on their respective websites. Then, in your   burning yourself out.
               own words, define or describe what each means:
               •  Establishment of a veterinarian–client–patient
               •  Confidentiality of medical records               Reflection
               •  The principle of doing no harm
               •  Protection of public health                      How you can tell if a bond is strong between a
                    Reflect how a code of ethics may help you      client and pet? Use yourself or a friend as an
               determine a course of action when faced with an     example. Can there be a human–animal bond
               ethical dilemma.                                    between a client and his/her livestock?
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