Page 169 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 169
Using light in your practice
As you’ve seen, both of us have been collaborating throughout to give you a balanced view of both the scientific rigor
and clinical intricacies of laser therapy. In this third part of the book, we have literally co-authored each section. This
may seem strange to you since one of us (as admitted several times) is the geek with much less clinical experience.
And the sections on integrating laser into your clinical routine would seem to be best explained by a clinician. But this
geek has also developed the strategy, marketing, and client education for two separate laser companies and in three
different markets: the early adopting US market back in 2010 where only about 10–15% of clinics had even heard of
a laser, the earliest adopting European market in 2012 where virtually no therapy lasers were used in small animal
practice, and again in 2018 in the US where laser has become more mainstream. So just as in the rest of this book, take
in all the ideas we throw around, and discover which are the best for your particular environment.
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