Page 183 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 183
Implementation of laser therapy in practice 169
6. The place where treatments take place has to be safe,
in terms of optical hazards: if there are windows,
consider blocking the view to avoid people or
patients outside being accidentally pointed at with
the laser beam. Avoid mirrors or highly reflecting
surfaces; for instance, put an anti-slip mattress or
a blanket over the steel table. At least, be aware of
where those reflecting surfaces are, to avoid point-
ing the beam in that direction.
7. Keeping treatment records is a must. Just as
with your other treatments, it is the only way we
can reflect on what to change if we do not see the
expected improvement, or keep track of the param-
eters that give the best results. Evolution since the
last treatment, pain assessment, and treatment
parameters should be recorded at every session.
Figure 11.2 A warm, soft, quiet place has been prepared for The treatment parameters should include dose,
this senior dog. which also means the treatment area that has been
others will prefer to lie on a mattress or similar Keeping track of treatments can also help you
surface. Of course, many cats will prefer to be monitor what percentage of patients receive LT,
treated inside their carrier (removing the top) and whether the use is increasing or not, and who is
that is an option for head/mouth and spine treat- using it more.
ments, but usually not for limb problems. Some of
your patients will require longer or multiple treat- Next, we will propose several examples of implemen-
ments, so make sure you and the owner take com- tation strategies, and help you decide how to answer
fortable positions. Of course, most owners will love the questions, “who do I start treating?” or “which
to see their pets in doggles. should be my first patients?” Some strategies may be
Figure 11.3 Other cool-
seeking patients prefer to be
straight on the floor.
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