Page 191 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 191
Implementation of laser therapy in practice 177
Figure 11.9 Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.
hindlimb (Fig. 11.10). Divide the distance from the commonly used for urogenital and caudal abdomi-
tibial plateau to the tarsus into 13 parts; this point nal disorders and procedures.
is approximately three parts from the tarsus, in a • GB-34 (Yang-ling-quan): in the lateral side of the
small depression you can palpate in the caudal side proximal tibia, in the depression felt just cranial
of the tibia, proximal to the medial malleolus. Very and distal to the head of the fibula, over the fibular
Figure 11.10 Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.
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