Page 40 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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26                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     Table 4.2 Overview of some of the available pain assessment scales and staging tools.
                      Condition                       Scale or staging tool                  Appendix
                      Acute pain, hospital setting    Glasgow – short form                   A1, A2
                      Chronic pain                    CBPI                                   A3
                      Lameness                        Hudson VAS                             A4
                      Feline musculoskeletal pain     FMPI                                   A5
                      Osteoarthritis                  COAST, LOAD
                     Notes: If none of these are possible, at least a simple NRS should be used. CBPI, Canine Brief Pain Inventory; COAST, Canine Osteoarthritis Staging
                     Tool ; FMPI, Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index; LOAD, Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs; VAS, visual analog scale.

                     scale. VAS represents this range with a 10 cm line,   may indicate the small animal patient is suffering neu-
                     where 0 represents absence of pain and 10 is extremely   ropathic pain: frequent or constant licking, chewing,
                     severe, or the worst imaginable kind. A mark is drawn   or scratching of an area where there is apparently no
                     on the line and the distance from 0 measured. NRS use   disease  (to the  point  of self-mutilation in  the worst
                     numbers (e.g. from 0 to 10, or 0 to 4). Using descriptors   cases),  presence of hypersensitivity  or allodynia, etc.,
                     of the ratings is useful to make pain assessment more   but it is not always that obvious. You can read Chapter
                     consistent, especially when different evaluators are   9 for more information about chronic pain assessment.
                     involved. For NRS, patients with a pain score of 3/10 or   In general, younger animals tend to be more vocal
                     above should be treated.                           and expressive  about pain; older animals  in chronic
                        It sounds simple and it is simple. So simple, that it is   pain can be more challenging to diagnose. It is impor-
                     very often overlooked or not performed. Please choose   tant to understand how chronic pain can affect quality
                     one scale, either a basic VAS/NRS or one of the ones   of life, and the most popular scales for chronic pain
                     we will mention here, for acute and chronic situations,   consider this as well as other descriptors (you can find
                     and start using it. You will shortly see how it becomes   them in section 9.6.1). To get a better, fuller picture
                     quicker and easier, and it is time well used for the sake   and improve assessment, ask about the activities of the
                     of your patient.                                   patient during the whole day; behavioral changes such
                        Acute pain is easier to assess. The most common sce-  as decreased exercise tolerance or difficulty with stairs,
                     nario is postoperative pain, and two of the most popular   jumping, getting up, or lying down. Changes in the
                     and more complete scales to assess it are the Botucatu   position or places they defecate or urinate. Cats in pain
                     and Glasgow Scales. The original Glasgow Composite   often decrease self-grooming. If necessary, get videos
                     Measure Pain Scale was developed in 2001, [94]  and later   recorded  for  you  of  specific  conducts.  Quiet  animals
                     a shorter form was also  proposed  for its speed  and   may just be a bit more withdrawn.
                     ease of use in a clinical setting [95]  (see Appendix A1).
                     A specific version of this scale has also been developed   4.3 Analgesia in different conditions:
                     for cats [96]  (see Appendix A2). The UNESP–Botucatu              clinical studies
                     Multidimensional  Composite Pain  Scale, developed
                     in Brazil, [97]  was later validated in English, [98]  and   Laser therapy has been used to treat different kinds of
                     focuses on postoperative pain in cats. The function of   pain for quite some time now, and there is a good body
                     such scales is not just to evaluate pain; they define an   of literature supporting different applications, most of
                     intervention level score above which measures should   them concerning musculoskeletal ailments in humans.
                     be taken to treat pain. They are very valuable tools for   There are inter-species differences, but a clinical study
                     veterinarians and nurses, and quick and easy to use and   of musculoskeletal or chronic pain in people prob-
                     implement in daily practice.                       ably more closely resembles the dose and penetration
                        Chronic pain is more challenging to diagnose, but   needed in a dog than an experimental study in mice.
                     some scales and questionnaires have been developed. In   In human medicine, it has become evident in recent
                     this case, owner information is key to evaluating changes   years that new tools to treat pain are necessary – not
                     in dogs’ behavior, which may be subtle. Some behaviors   just to be able to treat cases that do not respond to

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