Page 31 - The Veterinary Care of the Horse
P. 31
I would like to thank everyone who helped with the production of this book. Special thanks
must go to Liz Morrison who was my co-author and inspiration for the first edition of The
Veterinary Care of The Horse. I am also grateful to Karen Coumbe MA VetMB CertEP
CertVA MRCVS for her work as veterinary editor and to Karen, Alex Thiemann MA VetMB
CertEP MSc AFHEA MRCVS and Margrit Coates MNFSH SBRCP for the valuable chapters
they contributed. In this edition we welcome Sarah Stoneham BVSc CertESM MRCVS as
editor of the chapter on the reproductive system, Esther Skelly-Smith BVM BVS MRCVS as
editor of conditions of the foot and Deborah Leabeater MSc MRSB CBiol as consultant
The people listed below have helped in a number of ways, either by supplying
photographs or diagrams, the figure numbers of which are listed after their names, or
allowing me to photograph their horses.
Liz Atkinson and Princess
Helen Bridges
Julia Brooks DO (Hons) MSc
Jill Carpenter MA VetMB MSc CertVR FRCVS – 15.12, 24.6, 24.9, 24.10, 24.11, 24.13
Dr Mary Carroll MD FRCP
Lucy Challis and Lily
Caroline Champion and Sula
Margrit Coates MNFSH SBRCP
Hilary Cotter
Felicity Craddock, Nutty, Tico and Charm
E. Crozier-Cole
R. S. Cull BVetMed MRCVS
Sandra Dunn
Dr Sue Dyson MA VetMB DEO FRCVS – 4.10a–g
Emmanuel Engeli DVM MRCVS DipACVS DipECVS – 5.3
Equilibrium Products – 18.7, 18.20. 22.6
Ford Farm Stables
Peter Goody BSc MSc(Ed) PhD
Louise Hartgill – 19.25, 19.26, 19.27a–e, 19.29, 19.30a, 19.32
Alex and Andrew Harris
Lady Herries