Page 25 - Horst Construction Flipbook
P. 25
Lancaster Bible College
Teague Learning Commons
Project Narrative Project Information
Lancaster Bible College and Horst Construction have partnered on many of
LBC’s campus projects over the last 40 years. As the Design-Builder for the • 41,500 sf - New Construction
Teague Learning Commons, Horst was involved from the initial planning stages • Library
• Bistro
- providing critical budgeting and constructability expertise - through project • Meeting rooms
completion. The 41,500 sf three-story, five-level building includes a library, • Classrooms
bistro, meeting rooms, classrooms, administrative offices, music media lab, • Administrative offices
children’s library, archive/special collections room, and collaborative technology • Music Media Lab
suites. • Children’s library
• Archive/Special Collections
Construction activity uncovered multiple large and many small sinkholes which Room
required remediation. Sinkhole development within the geothermal well field • Collaborative Technology
required relocation of several wells. Record rainfall of 20 inches over a four- Suites
month period required the deep basement, foundations, elevator shaft drilling, Awards
an 30 geothermal wells (each 415’ deep) to be completed in the midst of
extreme conditions.
ABC Keystone Excellence in
Project Testimonial Construction, Award of Excellence
"We partner with Horst Construction for major capital expenditures on
our campus for several reasons. They help us value engineer each project.
Like many clients, we want a Taj Mahal built on a very small budget. Horst
Construction has been able to build the beautiful structures we envision to
coincide with our budget. They always come in on time - they finish when they
say they are going to finish. and what I like most, as a College President, is
that they always come in on budget!"
Dr. Peter Teague, President
Lancaster Bible College