Page 2 - Reed_introduction to Horst
P. 2

January 6, 2022

        Mr. Mike Reed                                                                320 Granite Run Drive  |  Suite 102
        Light Source BP                                                                    Lancaster, PA 17601
                                                                                  (717) 581-9921  |

        Dear Mr. Reed,

        In a recent conversation with a colleague, discussions of your exciting upcoming Cottontail solar farm projects-
        came up. After reading more about these exciting opportunities on your site, I felt compelled to reach out and
        introduce myself.

        My name is Jason Hess and I am the Director of Project Management for Horst Excavating. We are a full-service
        site work partner with over 60 years’ of service in a variety of market sectors. One of our specialties is partner-
        ing with clean and renewable energy suppliers to develop land and create solutions that better our world.

        Our eperience ranges from wind farms (and the facilities that manufacture the blades too!), to guiding munic-
        ipalities through waterway improvement initiatives, to working with large sites that convert waste to energy -
        and plenty of others in between.

        Our approach to every project is the same - provide the most value, accuracy, and high-quality partnership to
        our clients. We always strive to do the right things, the right way. Whether that means helping to develop a
        budget early in the process or directing and performing thoughtful site work, Horst is at the ready to give 110%
        to create an exceptional project you will be proud of.

        In the next few pages, you’ll see some of our project experience in more depth, as well as a high-level over-
        view of who we are and what we bring to the table. I know your time is valuable and your inbox flooded - so I
        wouldn’t be reaching out if I didn’t feel we were an excellent fit.

        I am excited to learn more about Lightsource bp, and how we can bring you value on your upcoming solar
        projects. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

        Thank you,

        Jason Hess
        Director of Project Management
        (717) 581-9921  |
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