Page 16 - The Case of the Wandering Husband FLIPBOOK
P. 16

Act 11

                                                  “Damn he’s hot.”

                 A woman seated not far from Fannie said. Said it loud in the hopes that Drake Lords
               would hear her and stop. Only thing was, every woman thought the man was hot.
               Who wouldn’t?
                 Of course, Drake knew the effect he had on women. He was strutting along the
               water’s edge at Huntington Beach with his entourage to protect him from women who
               wanted a piece of him. From people like Fannie who trailed behind the man.
                 She didn’t stand out nor did Drake remember her from their one time meeting back
               in the day. A horrible memory for Fannie. She was in the throes of puberty at twelve
               when her father, a Hollywood lawyer of some considerable fame himself, brought
               Drake to their Pasadena home.

                 The man even then was beyond description. Fannie damn near died when her father
               introduced the man to her as she floated in their pool. There she was, a bloated little
               girl with braces and pimples, being introduced to the hottest man on the planet.
               Fannie hated her father for not letting her get dressed or changed or covered in tons of
               makeup to hide the pimples and braces and the fat.
                 Fanny had tugged on her bathing suit. It hid nothing. Yet, Fannie accepted her shape
               a long time ago. Somewhere in her parent’s gene pool was a stout woman with large
               breasts and hips and thighs. Fannie knew she couldn’t get away from her genetics. Her
               mother could rival Cherry in looks but for Fannie, she competed with other large
                 A smile crossed her face as she watched Drake’s ass from a distance. Even though she
               was heavy, Fannie had no trouble locating men, good looking men covered in muscles,
               to fill her bed. She knew it was her attitude.
                 Fannie knew she was good in bed. She’d liked sex ever since she took Bobby
               Grainger’s virginity in the back of his dad’s Cadillac. Heat filled Fannie’s cheeks.
               Bobby thought he was going to take her virginity that night only he was not prepared
               for the outright sexual hunger Fannie possessed.

                 It had been quite the night. She didn’t know how to do anything. She’d watched
               porn of course, but watching and doing are far different things. It hurt at first, but as
               they went along, it got to feeling better and better. She didn’t have an O that night,
               but she couldn’t walk the next day either.
                 Word got around about how ferocious she was. It gave her a rep in high school but
               also an edge. Many guys wanted to have sex with her on the down low. They wanted
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