Page 7 - The Case of the Wandering Husband FLIPBOOK
P. 7
Act 1
The loud popping sound echoed inside Fannie Mae’s ears. The sound so loud it hurt.
“Ears?” Fannie said though no one heard her. She smiled then laughed as her astral
self hovered over her body. Fannie looked down at those assembled inside her office.
Wondered if it was as good for them as it was for her.
Another laugh rippled. As Fannie’s astral self laughed, so did her body. The look on
her client’s face was enough of a reason to have agreed to this as any other. There she
was, slumped over her desk with her two dogs protecting her as well as her cat, and all
they saw was her empty body laughing.
Fannie hovered above them. It felt good to be an entity. Truthfully, Fannie preferred
to be in her astral form. Ever since she’d learned how to use her astral self, her body
had become so limiting.
A sigh escaped. Her body sighed at the same time. One of those things Fannie had
learned about astral projection was those who couldn’t didn’t know a thing. She’d
read all the books written by all the experts. Experts who had never once, though they
all claimed they had, projected themselves out of their bodies.
The amount of “out of body literature” available to the true believer was astounding,
and also a complete set of lies.
“Is this normal?” her client asked the other person in the room.
“When you deal with Fannie, you have to adjust your definitions of normal,” the
other person answered.
It took all Fannie had not to snort. They needed to think she wasn’t listening in on
them. Listening was a useless term in her present state. As was seeing, tasting,
touching. She was an astral projection as the experts called it.
As an astral, she had no real body. Fannie looked at her hands. She concentrated.
Watched as they morphed from her normal pudginess to her mother’s elegant hands.
A smile crossed Fannie’s so-called face. She felt it spread from ear to ear even though
her face was simply a manifestation of her own mind trying to cope with the reality of
it being removed from her body.
“What’s going on?” her client demanded. Fannie lowered herself until she was barely
inches from her client’s face.
“That’s not entirely true now, is it?” Fannie said confident that no one could hear
her. It took effort not to have her body speak when Fannie spoke in her own mind,
but she’d trained herself well.