Page 3 - Tips to empower your teams
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How does your organization

 stay connected and productive?

 The key is to empower employees

 to share ideas freely and connect securely

 to the tools they already know and love.

 Now more than ever, employees    While remote workers can sometimes feel isolated and
 are searching for ways to collaborate,   disconnected, employees at all levels of a business feel the
 share ideas and stay productive.    overwhelming pressure to perform, collaborate and reach
 The rapid pivot to remote working has   business goals. Leaders are searching for ways to connect
 left people feeling disconnected from   and motivate teams amid a dispersed workforce, while
 leadership, colleagues and company   employees are longing to connect with one another.
 culture. In fact, 54% of employees say
 they are voiceless. And, only 22% of   With the increase in remote working, IT departments are
               working in overdrive to keep company data secure. In fact,
 employees say their ideas make up
               81% of business leaders state they feel pressure to lower
 a substantial portion of conversations
               security costs.  Therefore, it’s not surprising that 40% of
 with their bosses. This detachment
               businesses say they are prioritizing investments in cloud
 causes people to lose motivation
               security.  Leaders are now tasked with mitigating threats
 and enthusiasm for their company.
               to productivity while placing more focus on employee
 On the other hand, when employees   well-being and new ways to make remote working more
 have access to collaboration tools,   compatible for their organization. It’s likely why 41% of
 63% say their head office understands   business leaders state improving end-user experience and
 the role they perform and values what   productivity are their top priorities this year. 2
 they bring to the organization. 1

               So how are organizations bridging the gap
               between collaboration and secure remote access?
               Workplace and Microsoft are sharing top tips to empower
               and connect your remote workforce, securely.

 Top tips to empower your teams and connect them securely, with Workplace and Microsoft
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