Page 9 - Tips to empower your teams
P. 9

Workplace is people-centered at its core,        usually directly interacting with customers,
 Give employees   bringing community to work. The Workplace     who heavily rely on mobile-first products and
                                                                who are often disconnected from HQ.
               platform enables employees to openly
               collaborate, allowing teams to freely share      What’s more, Workplace offers a familiar
 a voice through   ideas through internal communications tools   platform that requires almost no training,

               while securing them with built-in Microsoft
                                                                speeding up internal adoption and quickly
               Azure Active Directory identity and access       bringing employees together. Teams are
 connected     management features.                             naturally inclined to cultivate community

               Businesses large and small can get a pulse       within their organization, sharing engaging
 collaboration tools,   on the psychosocial health of their organi-  videos, photos and posts while automatic
                                                                translations make sure no-one misses out.
               zation by giving employees the opportunity
               to provide input and give instant feedback       With Workplace and Microsoft, everyone
 no matter where   through polls, comments and reactions. This   can communicate freely, making their voices

                                                                heard both inside and outside the company
               equalizing of an organization’s voices is espe-
 they are      cially valuable for frontline workers who are    in a network that is safe and secure.

 Empower your entire

 organization, in a space

 where every voice matters.

 Mario Pelemis
 5 hrs
 In an increasingly virtual world with a dispersed   Hello everyone! We’ve just released our quarterly finance
 report. Tune in to my live stream where I’ll be talking through
 workforce, employees are longing to make   the key points and taking your questions.
 meaningful connections at work. Leaders are   “Integrating Azure AD across our different internal platforms is key
 looking for new ways to inspire their teams   LIVE  1.2k  to our identity strategy at ASOS. SSO authentication provides a
 and deliver employee experiences that make   better customer experience for our users and improves productivity,
 people feel valued, respected and appreciated.   collaboration and security, while automated user provisioning means we
 Business leaders are being forced to step back   can decrease human errors in our user lifecycle management process.
 and examine company culture, core values and   Now, when a user leaves the company, SCIM provisioning means their
 guiding principles, as well as how to drive those
 important initiatives through internal commu-  account is automatically deactivated as the change flows from our HR
 nications. Although 84% of CHROs agree that   system Workday, through to Azure AD and finally to the user platform,
 employee experiences and company culture are   Jeremy Adams  such as Workplace from Facebook. We use Workplace from Facebook as
 Do you think we’ll hit our targets for this year?
 important, only 9% have a plan.    part of a suite of internal communication channels at ASOS, using it to
 Shirley Christensen  share business messages and give our employees a voice.”
 Thanks for sharing the numbers with us
                    – Mark Lewis, Infrastructure Architect, ASOS
 Marco Giuditta
 What’s the next challenge that our company should tackle?

 Top tips to empower your teams and connect them securely, with Workplace and Microsoft
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