Page 9 - Haldor_Teachers-bridge-the-difference
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Empower students to take
ownership of their education
Distance learning is inherently student driven. This is where Planning by Haldor is helpful.
It requires a high level of independence and Teachers who have embraced the tool are
self-motivation given that students are providing their students access to a summarized
navigating lessons online, on their own. The view of all past, present, and future assignments
nature of this academic structure poses both a in one tab. Students are able to track their
challenge and an opportunity. Teachers have overall progress, anticipate upcoming workloads,
found that by creating personalized lesson and stay focused for longer periods of time
plans with pre-determined learning objectives, with interactive plans. And because the tool is
students are working through assignments at seamlessly integrated inside Microsoft Teams,
their own pace with high levels of engagement, students are able to access their curriculum
better performance, and a deeper sense of on any device—regardless of where they’re
personal responsibility. physically located or what time of day it is. They
have full control over when and where they
work, which empowers them to achieve more
with greater agility and independence.