Page 5 - Unleash the power of mixed reality
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Find everything you need – from hardware to

          software and services – in one global offering.

          Whether you’re in manufacturing, energy, or healthcare, Synergiz partners with Microsoft to provide
          your industry with innovative tools that help you realize significant cost and time savings.

          Discover HoloKase, a portable all-in-one solution that features HoloLens 2 among other devices
          needed to support mixed reality experiences in a robust, compact, and fully autonomous suitcase.
          Open your device and quickly launch preconfigured solutions like Dynamics 365 Remote Assist or
          Dynamics 365 Guides and benefit from customized software solutions and Azure-based services.

             Transform                            Reimagine                            Drive innovation
             manufacturing                        healthcare                           in the energy
             operations                                                                sector
                                                  What if you could
             What if your experts                 add a mixed reality                  What if you could
             and technicians didn’t               lens to your medical                 empower employees
             need to physically be                processes to improve                 to fix faulty parts
             on-site to perform their             patient care?                        without needing an
             jobs?                                                                     expert on-site?

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