Page 5 - Haldor_Teachers-bridge-the-difference
P. 5


 Personalize learning paths

 Teachers know their students better than   day, week, month, or year without needing in-

 anyone else. They understand each student’s   depth technical expertise. It’s one place where
 learning tendencies, their challenges, and their   they can easily create and store all their lessons,

 preferences. Teachers who embrace these   assess newly completed assignments, and

 insights and apply them to online curriculums   communicate directly with students to guide

 are able to make a larger impact on their   learning behaviors.     [video here]

 students’ academic progress, namely by crafting

 interactive modules, incorporating videos and

 visually engaging PowerPoint presentations.

 Planning by Haldor is one tool that has

 eliminated the IT burden of reproducing these

 kinds of personalized lesson plans for online

 purposes. Teachers who are used to working

 with familiar Microsoft applications like Word

 and PowerPoint can quickly create customized

 syllabi inside Microsoft Teams. They can add fun

 modules and generate themes and topics by
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