Page 4 - Detect and defend against advanced cloud attacks
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Can traditional security solutions
keep your cloud safe?
A rapid shift to the cloud has left many organizations
scrambling to adapt their security tactics.
An increasing number of remote workers, Additionally, adversaries have switched from
combined with a higher number of IoT malware-based attacks to attacks that target
devices accessing corporate applications, user credentials in cloud applications such
has made both traditional network security as Microsoft 365 and Azure Active Directory.
solutions and endpoint solutions blind to And as the shift to remote work continues
activity and data in the cloud. Now, those to accelerate, finding a solution that can
prevention tools and tactics are proving quickly detect and block malicious activity in
insufficient as 30% of organizations suffer the cloud is more crucial than ever.
from account takeovers every month,
despite email security intended to stop
phishing and mutli-factor authentication
(MFA) in place. 2
71% 61%
of companies have of breaches involve
suffered 7 or more compromised
account takeovers credentials.
in the last year. 3
1M A major security event or unplanned outage carries
average costs of almost $1 million per hour ($884,000) in
per hour terms of lost revenue and productivity, as well as costs
to address and remediate the problem.