Page 12 - Reduce security blind spots and paralyze ransomware
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End-to-end protection for Microsoft

        solution-enabled environments

        The rise in enterprise ransomware attacks               Stopping ARTs means stopping lateral
        indicates that traditional ransomware                   movement in the datacenter environment,

        mitigation strategies and technologies are              vertical movement to and from cloud, and

        not adequate on their own for stopping                  movement across and within clouds before

        human-operated ransomware threats.                      they have the opportunity to initiate their
        It’s not enough to detect the ransomware                payload. Illusive does all three, providing

        component of Advanced Ransomware                        end-to-end enterprise protection for

        Threats (ARTs). If an organization isn’t                Microsoft solution-enabled environments.

        using technology that can detect and stop               The Illusive Platform is available through
        the lateral movement component of an                    Microsoft Azure Marketplace and is

        enterprise ransomware attack, they will                 integrated across a wide range of Microsoft

        continue to be vulnerable and at risk of                products to further protect Azure users

        a successful ART incursion.                             from today’s most dangerous threats.

        Get started today!

        Learn more about the Illusive Platform for Azure AD today.

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