Page 3 - TEYDE2
P. 3

Inert  cartridge  to  be  used  for  closeness  waterproof;

                                       and close environments                             TX-200P 2 cartridges,

                                       Contain 2 cartridges                               not waterproof.

                                       Black  (matte)  or  bicolour  with  black

       Colour                          background and some areas with another  √

                                       colour that is contrasting

                                       2 parts, main electronic memory and data
                                                                                          Only  have  1  main
       Electronic circuits             transfer  electronic  memory  installed  on
                                                                                          electronic circuit
                                       the battery case

                                       Equipped  with  a  display  where  weapon

                                       status,  battery  charge  and  cartridge  √

                                       identification is shown

                                       System  to  check  the  effect  of  the

       Electronic system               ammunition  impact,  if  the  electric

                                       discharge  measured  is  not  favourable,  or
                                       any  of  the  probes  is  not  correctly  nailed

                                       onto  the  opponent's  skin,  the  electric

                                       discharge will not be performed

                                       Disconnect if the weapon is not in use for  × Auto lock after 3

       Automatic deactivation          a  period  of  time,  automatic  deactivation  times successive

                                       will disconnect it                                 stun

                                       Resistance  require  to  remove  the  holster

                                       from  the  belt  (perpendicular  ≥  1200N,  √

       Holster                         Resistance of the holster lock  ≥  1000N

                                       Have  a  lock  to  avoid  the  weapon
                                       extraction (anti-theft lock)

                                       Size  according  to  the  components  to  be

                                       transported, equipped with handles and a
       Transport bag                                                                      √
                                       system  to  close  the  bag,  support  the

                                       weight of the bag fully loaded

       Operation manual                Operation manual for stun gun                      √

       Maintainability                 Maintenance manual                                 √
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