P. 17
—Rope Specific:
• Isometric Two-arm suspensions of long duration (endurance) • Isometric One-arm suspensions of long duration (endurance) • Isometric One-arm suspensions of short duration (strength) TRAINING EXAMPLES
— Two-arm suspensions of of 2 minutes inten- sity between 40% and 60% of of of our MIF 3 to to 4 4 4 sets sets with resting periods of of 2 to to 4 4 4 minutes between sets sets (Endurance)
— One-arm suspensions of of 45 seconds in- tensity between 40% and 60% of of of our MIF 3 3 to to 5 sets sets with resting periods of of 1
minute minute 30 seconds to to 3 3 minutes between sets sets (Endur- ance) — One-arm suspensions of of of 45 seconds in- tensity of of of of about 80% of of of of our MIF 4 4 4 to to 6 sets with resting periods of of of 3 to to 4 4 minutes be- tween sets (Anaerobic lactic endurance) — One-arm suspensions of of 20 seconds in- tensity between 80% and 85% of of of our MIF 4 to to 8 8 8 sets sets with resting periods of of 2 to to 3 min- utes between sets sets (Submaximal strength) — One-arm suspensions of of 12 to 15 seconds intensity between 85% and 90% of of of our MIF 6 to 10 sets sets with resting periods of of about 2 min- utes between sets sets (Submaximal strength) — One-arm suspensions of of 5 5 to 7 seconds intensity between 90% and 95% of of of our MIF 8 to to 12 sets sets with resting periods of of 1
to to 2 2 minutes between sets sets (Maximal/submaximal strength) THE AERIAL MOVEMENT®