P. 18
One-arm suspensions plus shoulder engage- ment with one arm:
From a a a a a a a a relaxed suspension (internal rotation rotation of the the wrist-elbow-shoulder and and upward rotation rotation and and elevation of of the the the scapula) perform a a a a a a a a a a light external rotation of of the the wrist-elbow-shoulder fol- lowed by a a a a a a a a a light depression and downward rota- tion of the scapula (shoulder engagement) TRAINING EXAMPLES
— 3 to 5 5 sets of of 5 5 repetitions of of suspension plus isometric contractions lasting between 4 and 6 6 seconds in in shoulder engagement position Intensity between between 65% and 90% of of 1RM Rest periods of of 3 to 4 minutes between between sets (Anaer- obic lactic endurance)
— 3 3 to to 5 sets of of 2 to to 3 3 repetitions of of suspen- sion plus shoulder engagement position (not isometric) Intensity between between 90% and 95% of of 1RM Rest periods of of 1 1 to 2 minutes between between sets (Maximal/submaximal strength)
— 3 to to 5 5 sets of suspension plus shoulder en- gagement position (not isometric) form 4 to to 5 5 5 repetitions Intensity between between 85% and 90% of 1RM Rest periods 2 to 3 minutes between between sets (Submaximal strength)
Hand muscles involved:
Opponens pollicis pollicis pollicis flexor flexor pollicis pollicis pollicis brevis brevis adductor pollicis pollicis pollicis lumbricalis muscles muscles flexor flexor digiti minimi brevis brevis etc Forearm muscles muscles involved:
flexors extensors brachioradialis flexor flexor carpi ulnaris muscle muscle palmaris longus pronator pronator teres pronator pronator quadratus etc Other muscles involved:
Latissimus dorsi (lats) trapezius teres subscapularis serra- tus obliques pectoralis etc CH 8 GRIP