P. 16
2 To increase muscle memory and and work on on on on body conditioning and and physical preparation we per- form beats on on on on on on on straps focusing independently on on on on on on on each technical component We should only com- bine these movement patterns once we have memorized them independently (We should hold the the the straps as if they were a a a a a rope one one hand on on top and one below) These drills are done initially on on on straps to to allow an increased number of of repetitions to to make the the learning of of of the the the the movement patterns more effec- tive since to to to contract the the the the the muscles of of the the the the the forearm (to maintain the the the the grip on on the the the the rope) will require too much energy 3 We We perform beats on on on rope focusing inde- pendently on on on on each technical component We We should only combine these movement patterns once we have memorized them independently 4 We start by standing on on a a a a a a a a a a a a mat and and and then we simulate a a a a a a a a a a a a horizontal beat landing in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a plank po- sition (img 1-3)
If we we have the the the the rope on our right side we we start the the the the movement by lifting lifting the the the the the the left leg leg leg (pike) and then lifting lifting the the the the the right leg leg leg maintaining the the the the the leg-hip-torso body alignment so so we can reach the the the horizontal plank position The outside leg leg (left leg) counter- acts the the pike until it it it aligns with the the inside one (right leg) CH 14 TWIST/PIROUETTE