P. 24

— Pyramid chin-ups (decreasing the the the repeti- tions increasing the the the intensity decreasing decreasing the the the resting periods): 1 1 1 1 1 1 set set set of of of of of 16 reps reps rest rest rest of of of of of 1 1 1 1 1 1 minute +1setof14reps restof45seconds+1setof 12 reps reps reps rest rest rest of of of of of of 30 seconds seconds seconds + + + 2 2 2 sets of of of of of of 10 reps reps reps rest rest of of of of 20 seconds seconds Intensity between 40% and 60% of of 1RM (Endurance)
— 3to5setsof3to4pull-upsonstraps rest periods of of of 3 3 3 to to to 5 5 5 minutes between between sets sets Inten- sity between between 90% and 95% of of 1RM (Maximal/ submaximal strength)
— 3 3 to to to 4 sets of of 10 to to to 12 pull-up to to to front front lever (isometric contractions of of of 3 3 seconds in in front front le- ver position) rest periods of of of 2 minutes between between sets Intensity between between 55% and 60% of of 1RM (Endurance)
— 4 4 to to 6 sets of 3 to to 4 4 dynamic pull-up rope climbs at high speed (double handed/ hands together) rest periods of of 2 to to 3 minutes be- tween tween sets Intensity between 60% and 70% of of 1RM (Power)
— 4 4 to to 5 5 sets of 4 4 to to 5 5 dynamic pull-up rope climbs at maximum speed (double handed/ hands together) rest periods of 2 to to 3 minutes between between sets Intensity between between 50% and and 60% of 1RM (Power)
— 3 to 5 sets of 14 plank beats on on straps (7 on on each side) in in in a a a a a a a straight line with full body ex- tension and pull-up rest periods of 1 to 2 min- utes between sets (Endurance)
— 6 to to 8 sets of 2 to to 3 plank beats on on rope in in a a a a a a a straight line with with full body extension and and with with maximum explosive and and speed pull-up plus one twist/pirouette Rest periods of 2 to 3 minutes between sets (Power)
— 6 to to 8 sets of of of 1 1 to to 3 repetitions of of of one-arm jumps (per set) rest periods of of of 10 seconds be- tween tween repetitions and and 1 1 to 3 minutes between sets (Explosive strength and and power)
In order to adjust the the % of of intensity some of of these exercises can be performed at different fitness levels using using a a a a a a a a a progres- sion towards our final goals (for example using using a a a a a a a a a a RESIS- TANCE BAND with a a a a a a a SPOT FROM SOMEONE ELSE adding EXTRA WEIGHT etc ) Pyramidal training can be: ascendent pyramid pyramid pyramid descendent or or reverse pyramid pyramid pyramid pyramid complete or or double pyramid pyramid pyramid pyramid (triangle) flat pyramid pyramid pyramid etc and and can vary on on the number of of repetitions % of of intensity resting periods and and sets in in in accordance to our targets Pull-ups should should be performed with proper shoulder engage- ment (Light scapular depression and and downward rotation rotation to compensate for the upward rotation rotation and and elevation generat- ed while hanging) Front levers should should be performed with proper core glute and shoulder engagement (retroversion of the pelvis (pelvic ret- roversion) and and light scapular retraction to compensate for the the anteversion and and the the protraction generated while hang- ing) TWIST/PIROUETTE

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