P. 21

Developing and maintaining proper eating habits is very important at every stage of our lives. Nutrition plays a key role in the
body’s day to day performance, and will be of critical importance in achieving our fitness goals (recovery after a workout, improved performance, increased muscular mass, weight loss, etc.). Training hard and constantly is pointless if we do not eat properly.
A basic understanding of the types of foods we need to eat before, during, and after exercising is crucial since there are several metabolic changes occurring in the muscle tissue during and after the workout. We want to train at peak performance, optimize training adaptations, and increase the speed of recovery between training sessions. To be able to do this, we need to provide our muscles with each and all of the nutrients they need to perform at their maximum potential.
For example, protein helps rebuild and repair the muscular tissue damaged or overworked during our training session, thereby promoting muscle recovery.
Similarly, we need to adjust the intake of carbohydrates (carbs) depending on the level of physical activity we will be performing; and we also need to make sure we are eating high quality carbohydrates (carbs).
Fats are more than just a macronutrient with a high caloric content, they are a necessary part of our diet and when consumed in moderation they may help us improve our cardiovascular health. The omega-3 fatty acids are important for our metabolism, they are essential to normal growth in young children, and there is some evidence that they may lower inflammation levels in healthy adults. Some of the foods rich in healthy fats we could introduce in our diet include fatty fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, etc.), avocado, olive oil, chia seeds, nuts, etc.
The average adult human body is 50-65% water, therefore we need to make sure we are always well hydrated. Virtually all chemical reactions in life's processes take place in water. Water is also used to cool the body down and to lubricate joints and internal organs. Water also plays a key role in transporting micronutrients to the muscles and transporting waste out of the body. Dehydration is categorized as mild (3% to 5%), moderate (6% to 9%), and severe (more than 10%). Being slightly dehydrated (between 2% and 3%) can cause poor performance by reducing exercise capacity and increasing risk of injury.
Before taking any supplements we need to be well informed. It is important to check with a healthcare professional capable of assessing the benefit versus the risk. Likewise, we need to talk to a healthcare professional for advice on whether we need a supplement in the first place, what dose we might need and whether there are any interactions with medication or drugs we might already be taking.
Fruits and vegetables, unprocessed foods, as well as planned meals and snacks should always be part of our nutritional plan.
Meeting our nutrition objectives and developing healthy habits may seem quite challenging, but meal planning and the right professional advice can help us get there.
We have to keep in mind that we should always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, supplementation or nutrition program.
 19. The Aerial Movement ® © The Aerial Movement 2019

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