Page 34 - Let's talk! A Flipbook for English Speaking
P. 34

Simple past tense

                                   WITH  THE  SIMPLE  PAST  TENSE,  WE  CAN  DESCRIBE  THE  ACTIONS  WE
                                    TOOK  AS  IN  THE  PAST,  FOR  EXAMPLE,  THE  ACTION  WHEN  WE  WERE
                                    CHILDREN. IT ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT WHAT WE DID, WHERE WE
                                    WENT, AND HOW WE FELT DURING THOSE JOYFUL MOMENTS. WE CAN
                                    SHARE  STORIES  OF  RIDING  BICYCLES,  PLAYING  GAMES,  GOING  ON

                                     THE  FORMULA  FOR  CONSTRUCTING  SENTENCES  IN  THE
                                     SIMPLE PAST TENSE IS
                                     SUBJECT + VERB 2 (PAST TENSE) + OBJECT
                                     EXAMPLE: I + RODE + MY BICYCLE TO THE PARK.

                                     IN THIS EXAMPLE, "I" IS THE SUBJECT, "RODE" IS THE PAST
                                     TENSE FORM OF THE VERB "RIDE," AND "MY BICYCLE" IS
                                     THE OBJECT. THE SENTENCE TELLS US ABOUT THE ACTION
                                     OF RIDING A BICYCLE IN THE PAST.

                 Activity 1

          Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the correct past tense
          form of the verbs given in parentheses to complete the sentences.

                                                            scan the code beside

          1. Billy _____ (wake up) at 4.30 on Monday morning.
          2. He didn't want to be late for his first day at work, so he _____ (get dressing) quickly.

          3. After getting dressed, he _____ (eat) breakfast.
          4. Billy left his house with his bicycle and Rocky. It _____ (be) still dark outside, and the
            moon _____ (shine) brightly.
          5. Billy _____ (cycle) as fast as he could, and Rocky _____ (follow) him to the shop.
          6. Outside, Billy ____ (see) two large piles of newspaper waiting for him.

          7. When he ____ (look) inside, he could see some instructions and a map.
          8. The first delivery was to the large house in the corner, and he ____ (deliver)
            newspapers to them.
          9. Billy thought to himself and he _____ (post) them through the letterbox.
         10. He then looked at the map again, followed the clear instructions, and ____ (go) from
            house to house, putting the folded papers through people's front _____.
         11. Everyone in the neighborhood _____ (be) still asleep, and the only person Billy saw
            was the milkman who was delivering milk, eggs, and bread. People would have them

            for breakfast in a few hours.
         12. Rocky stopped barking for a short time and then _____ (continue), but much more
         13. For a second, he thought about _____ (quit) the job, but then he changed his mind
            and said to himself.
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