Page 4 - TruStory-NorthJanFeb_NY
P. 4

new year  get started with our

 new look  best selling intros:

 same   Brooklyn               great for       Queens                  great for     Bronx                 great for
                                                                                                           booth renters
                                                                                                           or suite owners

 amika is a professional line of haircare   Purchase: 2-4 of every   Purchase: 2-3 each of 20   Purchase: 2 each of 14
 and tools. Founded by industry   retail size product  select retail size products   select retail products
 OUTSIDERS in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
        Receive Free                           Receive Free                          Receive Free
 We are on a mission to inspire a lifestyle   1_Normcore Signature Shampoo 1L  1_Vault Color-Lock Shampoo 1L  1_Vault Color-Lock Shampoo 1L
 of self-expression and hair rebellion   1_Normcore Signature Conditioner 1L  1_Vault Color-Lock Conditioner 1L  1_Soulfood Nourishing Mask 16.9 oz
 against conformity and the mundane.  1_Vault Color-Lock Shampoo 1L  1_Soulfood Nourishing Mask 16.9oz  20_Assorted Sample Sachets
                                                                                     1_Signature Tote Bag
        1_Vault Color-Lock Conditioner 1L
                                               1_The Wizard Detangling Primer 4oz
        1_The Kure Repair Shampoo 1L           1_Brooklyn Bombshell Blowout Spray 6.7oz  20_Brochures
 #hairrebellion  1_The Kure Repair Conditioner 1L  1_Plus Size Perfect Body Mousse 8.5oz
        1_Soulfood Nourishing Mask 16.9oz      1_Un.Done Volume + Matte Texture Spray 5.3oz   Salon Price       $335.00
 amika products are like a good friend –   1_Glass Action Universal Elixir 1.7oz  1_Fluxus Touchable Hairspray 8oz  Salon Value      $436.20
                                                                                     Salon Savings   23%
 straightforward, dependable and fun to   1_The Wizard Detangling Primer 4oz  50_Assorted Sample Sachets  AMA-19-BRX18
 spend time with. We are kind-of obsessed   1_Blockade Heat Defense Serum 1.7oz  1_Signature Tote Bag
        1_Brooklyn Bombshell Blowout Spray 6.7oz
                                               20_Premium Salon Bags
 with this “super-fruit”, Sea Buckthorn   1_Plus Size Perfect Body Mousse 8.5oz  20_Brochures
 Berry, so we include it in every haircare   1_The Shield Anti-Humidity Spray 5.3oz  1_Logo Block
 and styling product.  1_Haute Mess Texture Gloss 3.4oz  Salon Price       $581.00
        1_Perk Up Dry Shampoo 5.3oz
        1_Silken Up Dry Conditioner 5.3oz      Salon Value      $814.70
 Our products are vegetarian-friendly,   1_Un.Done Volume + Matte Texture Spray 5.3oz  Salon Savings   29%
 cruelty-free and free from sulfates,   1_Fluxus Touchable Hairspray 8oz  AMA-21-QUE18
 phthalates and artificial colors.  1_Headstrong Intense Hold Hairspray 8oz  Larger intros available, ask your DSC for more info.
        1_Signature Room Fragrance 3.4oz
        75_Assorted Sample Sachets
        1_Signature Tote Bag
 start here if   25_Premium Salon Bags
 you’ve never   25_Brochures                   open stock bonus offer!
 Try Me  tried amika!  1_Sheld Strips + Countercards
        1_Logo Block                           receive 1 free gym bag with

 9 best-sellers and a  Salon Price       $1,097.00  every $100 amika purchase*
        Salon Value      $1,581.65
 signature tote bag.  Salon Savings   31%      *excludes intros and other discounts.
 Salon Price $89.00
 Salon Value $132.00
 Salon Savings 33%

                                               Not all products available in all territories. Contact us for more information.  January | February 2018  5
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