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(Continued from page 15)
            “wanderlust” as mass quantities of mites                I no longer suggest that homeowners
            start crawling to a minuscule beat only              remove all grass, weeds, and other
            they can hear. Mites with nowhere to go              vegetation against the house foundation.
            and all day to get there wander aimlessly            There was a theory in the past that an
            among the tangled grass blades of                    18 to 24-inch wide bare strip would
            your lawn. By accident, they bump into               discourage clover mite migration. Clover
            the foundation of the house and begin                mites can crawl over bare soil, wood chip,
            climbing upward. The warm siding on the              and rock mulches and through flowerbeds.
            south side of the house seems to arrest
            their movement as they pause in the                  A Word About House Dust Mites
            sunshine momentarily. A few press on                 House dust mites are a real thing, and
            and wander into the house where they                 almost everyone has them in their
            are easy to see in contrast to light-colored         homes. What you need to know about
            countertops, windowsills, walls, curtains,           house dust mites is contained in their
            cupboards, or floor.                                 genus name, Dermatophagoides. If you
                                                                 have been to a dermatologist, you know
               Clover mite migrations usually                    the first part of the name means “skin”
            happen in the early spring when warm                 and -phagous is means “to eat” or “feed
            temperatures first occur (50 to 75 degrees           on.”  House dust mites do not live on or
            F). Late autumn migrations are also                  bite people, but they do feed on skin, as
            possible.                                            the name implies. Particularly, the mites

            Controls                                             feed on shed skin cells that accumulate
            The most practical approach to a surprise            in the cracks and crevices of bedding,
            visit by clover mites is to grin-and-bear-it.        mattresses, stuffed furniture, and carpet.
            The problem is temporary, though off-                The mites themselves are not a problem,
            and-on migrations may last for several               but airborne particles they produce are
            days. Use a vacuum cleaner with proper               allergens that cause asthma or hay fever-
            attachments to effectively collect live              like allergy symptoms in about 4% of the
            mites without crushing them. Avoid                   population.
            wiping. Household insecticide sprays can                House dust mites are too small to
            be used to control wandering mites, but              see, and their requirement for a warm,
            the benefit is very short-lived.                     high humidity environment confines them

               The traditional control for clover                to the deep cracks and crevices of our
            mites is to prevent entry by applying an             furniture. DO NOT SPRAY pesticides for
            insecticide spray as a chemical barrier              house dust mite control. You’ll not kill the
            around the house. Spray the foundation               mites, you will not eliminate the airborne
            and the lawn for a distance of 6 to 10 feet          allergens, and you will add moisture that
            from the foundation using an insecticide             will help the mites. Clients with dust
            labeled for this purpose. Follow label               mite allergy symptoms should see their
            directions and repeat if mites persist.              allergist, who will recommend changes in
            Successful prevention requires a thorough            furniture or floor coverings, air filtering,
            treatment with 2 to 4 gallons of spray for           and possibly allergy treatment (medicine).
            every 1,000 square feet.

            IPMA Connection • 1st Quarter, 2021                                                             Page 17
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