Page 10 - E-Module Learning Speaking
P. 10
No Meeting Topics Subtopics Indicators
1. Basic Personal The students are expected to
material identity, be able to maximize all
conversat expressions of giving and
ion Asking asking for information about
between Offering help, identity, asking for help,
people at Giving asking for opinions, or
new opinion, asking and giving permission
Gazal 2023-2024 conversat classroom, be able to maximize all
for expressions.
asking and
2 Basic giving The students are expected to
In the
ion about
aspects of speaking in order
all things
to be able to start
related to
conversations about school
3. school In the both in class and in school
The students are expected to
conversat dormintory, be able to maximize all
ion in a aspects of speaking in order
certain In the to be able to start a
place canteen, conversation with what is
related to place. Both in the
In the hostel, in the canteen, and in
market the market.