Page 5 - The New Encyclopedia of Knots
P. 5
Author’s note
There are strict regulations governing the use of wire eye splices in industry, and although certain
knots are considered adequate for normal usage, you should always refer to the regulations in force at
the time.
Never hold fish hooks in your bare hands; always use pliers to hold them firmly. Similarly, always be
careful to wear heavy gloves or to wrap your hands in rags before pulling on thin monofilament lines
or twine. This both avoids cutting your flesh and helps to give a better grip on the line.
The descriptions of the methods for tying all of the knots included here assume right-handedness, as
individuals vary so much in their degree of ambidexterity.
Where a knot has been illustrated, it has been given a number working numerically from the beginning
of the book. When more than one step has been illustrated in making a knot, the illustration number
has been suffixed; thus the second step under the entry for binder turn is figure 11.2.