Page 119 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 119
WHAP! arm up for two months in order to force him
to develop his jab.
He goes on to say that in a street fight,it’s the
WHAP! only punch he’ll use. Without the gloves, a
jab is lethal enough to break a nose. Thus his
This is fun! other hand can play a defensive role only.
Al straps flat practice pads on his hands and has me jab at the target
dots on each.The punch should be thrown from a relaxed state. In
fact, as I’m in my boxer’s stance, the pillars of my arms should be
held upright with only enough tension to keep my hands up.
Strength is applied only when needed in order to defend or to make
an offensive action. The fists aren’t clenched until just before the
punch lands.
A good jab really POPS! into the target.The elbow remains down
and does not fly out (and therefore signal your intention) before the
punch begins.When you land it clean you can feel it --- like hitting a
sweetspot.Al has me breathe out in short, spitting wheezes with
each jab. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! This is fun!
We practice that for a bit and then he has me move and jab at the
same time. Going back and forth and bobbing and jabbing is a real
exercise in rhythm. I do pretty well, although I’m tempted to break
out into full boogie mode because it really does seem like a dance
now.When I start to move my hands to the beat in my mind Al tells
me to keep my hands up and still.
After happily smacking his targeted hands for about a minute or so,
Al shows me how to defend against the jab. As the jab comes, you
catch the fist with the palm of your leading glove as your glove rests
on your forehead. Catching the jab away from your face won’t stop
the punch as both your opponent’s jabbing fist and your catching
glove will come crashing into your kisser. It’s also important that
your catching glove rests upon your forehead and not your nose.As
you catch the jab in this manner, you pivot your rear foot, plant
yourself on the ball of your foot and remain firm.You take jabs as
aggressively as you give them.
Again this is a rhythm,timing thing (and if you’re indeed clumsy you