Page 158 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 158


             Amateur vs. professional      Heavyweight champions
             boxing 108-109                109-113
                                           History 105-113
             Blocks 72, 73                 Hitting of heavy bag
             Boxer’s workout 91-93         (technique) 57-59
             Breathing 33                  Hitting (getting hit) 89-90

             Combinations 44-49
             Counterpunching 75,           Instruction 12-13, 15-16
             76-81                         Inside fighting 102
             Counters to jab 76-77
             Counters to left hook         Jab 29-33, 60-61
             80-81                         Jab catching 70, 76
             Counters to straight right    Journal (author’s boxing
             78-79                         lessons) 114-150
                                           Jump rope 19
             Defense (also with coun-
             ters) 69-82                   Left hook 38-41, 62-63
             Double, triple jab 45         Left uppercut 42-43, 62-63
             Ducks 72, 73, 87              Left-handers 29
                                           Left-right, right-left 46, 64.
             Equipment 17-22               66
                                           Long rhythm 50--52
             Fist, making of 29
             Footwork 25-27                Mouthguard 21
                                           Multi-jab 64
             Gear 17-22
             Gloves, bag  18-19, 57        One-two 44, 45, 64
             Gloves, sparring  21          One-two-three 46, 47,
             Groin protector 21            64-65
                                           Outside fighting 86, 103
             Headgear 20                   (also range fighting)
             Heavy bag 19, 53-67, 93

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