Page 62 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 62
Combat Kick Boxing
Double Lapel Grab
Situation Two: A man grabs you by
both lapels and pulls you forward.
The instant that you are grabbed,
bring both your forearms down on
your assailant’s elbow joints, then
simultaneously head-butt his face and
knee him in the groin. Finish with a
right roundhouse elbow to the jaw.
(Figs. 73 and 74)
A forceful blow to the inside of the
elbow joints will buckle them and
makes the head-butt/knee combina-
tion fast, very powerful and almost
impossible to avoid. The elbow finish
is natural and flows nicely from the
opening combination.
All three weapons employed, head-
butt, knee, and elbow, are close-range
weapons and particularly suited for
Fig 73 hold-breaking.
Fig 74