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Continued from page 60
that ensures your health and safety. Coronavirus lower. (as rated High Risk
We’ve all been wanting to get out and by )
enjoy some fresh air, and this Spring 1. Avoid larger crowds at bars, concerts,
and Summer we can - but with caution sporting events, and amusement parks.
and precautions to do it more safely. 2. Stay away from gyms and food buf-
Here’s a Review of Health Precautions fets.
and some tips to consider. First, here 3. Reduce your exposure to Corona-
are the basics of personal protection virus and other viruses – like the flu
from Coronavirus transmission and common cold – by following the
1. Wear your mask. Some people use basics of prevention and avoiding large
a fresh disposable mask each day, oth- crowds and gatherings.
ers wear the latest fashion statement 4. Large religious services are also a sig-
or matchy-matchy patterned masks to nificant risk (500+). Smaller gatherings
cover their mouth and nose. Whatever pose a reduced risk, but virtual worship
your fancy, just remember to wear it. programs from home are safest.
2. Keep your distance. At a minimum, Remember to also wash your hands
stay 6 feet from people that don’t throughout the day, wear that mask,
live in your home. This means that if and keep space between us, but let’s
you stretch your arm toward me and I not let the space divide us.
stretch my arm toward you, at full arm’s
length our fingers should not touch.
That’s an easy way to estimate 6 feet. 757.621.7527
3. Limit touching things AND wash your
hands throughout your day.
4. Beyond those basics, you can get
more information from the CDC web-
index.html, contact your local health
department, or talk to your family
doctor. Tele-health calls with a medical
provider are covered by most health
The top riskiest social contact places
you should avoid to keep your risk of