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78                                        ADULT DAY CARE DIRECTORY

     Adult  day care centers are regulated, non-residential facilities that provide a variety
     of health, social and related support services in a protective setting during part of the
     day to four or more aged, infirm or disabled adults who reside elsewhere.
     CENTRAL VA                          Elias ADC                804-291-3151
     CHESTERFIELD                        Neighborly Residential Care LLC      804-709-1736
     Ascend Health Adult Retreat      804-621-4209  Nour Day Support      804-266-2689
     Lucy Corr ADC             804-706-5657  Seniors 1st Choice ADC      804-321-1016
     COLONIAL HEIGHTS                    Sound MInd Senior ADC      804-852-7645
     Loving Years ADC Center      804-861-0452  South Richmond ADC Center      804-231-9306
     FREDRICKSBURG                       VCU Health System AD Serv.      804-828-8027
     Enhancing Life Senior Day Center      540-693-1331  SOUTH HILL
     Hughes ADC                540-373-4100  Hazelwood House ADC Center      434-447-7661
     Faith Works AD Support Center      804-918-5928  HAMPTON ROADS
     HENRICO                             GLOUCESTER
     Blessings For You ADC      804-726-6225  Gloucester AD Break      804-695-9008
     SOAR365                   804-358-1874  HAMPTON
     MECHANICSVILLE                      Sunrise House of VA      757-896-0800
     Alternative Adult Care, LLC      804-427-6968  NEWPORT NEWS
     Hanover Adult Center      804-746-0743  Riverside AD Serv. Center      757-875-2033
     MIDLOTHIAN                          NORFOLK
     Daybreaks, Inc.           804-419-0999  Adult Day Care - Norfolk Senior Center   757-625-5857
     Swift Creek Day Center      804-744-7412  Sentara Senior Community Care      757-252-7800
     PETERSBURG                          PORTSMOUTH
     Helping Hands Adult Care Cnt      804-861-1353  Portsmouth Senior Station      757-391-3241
     Interfaith ADC, Inc.      804-732-3919  Sentara PACE           757-392-2650
     RICHMOND                            VIRGINIA BEACH
     Adult Day Center of VA      804-232-5030  Primeplus at M.E. Cox       757-625-5857
     Beechwell AD Program, LLC      804-2178196  WILLIAMSBURG
     Central ADC               804-230-9042  Mother Kevin Senior Serv.      757-345-2538
     Circle Center AD Serv.      804-355-5717  Williamsburg Landing ADC      757-565-6505
     Ebenezery AD Service      804-447-5635
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