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     • Highly recommend getting a       place to create an enjoyable time
        passport (It will provide a better     when you reach your destination and
        security while traveling; anywhere   return home with fun memories.
        and by any mode of transportation)
        -      BE A FLEXIBLE AND
     • Be aware of ALL traveling                OPEN-MINDED
        protocols and requirements before    TRAVELER. IN OUR
        you start traveling (before, during
        and upon returning home)          WORLD TODAY, TRAVEL
     •  Always purchase travel protection  IS EVER-CHANGING TO
     •  Use a Travel Advisor, a subject   PROTECT YOUR HEALTH
        matter expert, to help guide you
        through the ever-changing travel        AND SAFETY.
                                        Let’s Pack & Go
     Also, be a flexible and open-minded   Cynthia Tyler
     traveler. In our world today, travel is   Luxury Travel Specialist
     ever-changing to protect your health
     and safety. Some procedures and    (757) 797-6555
     requirements might be inconvenient;
     but at the end of the day, it is put in
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