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     macular degeneration. I had no idea   would highly recommend reaching out
     what this meant, although I was rather   to one of them, as the trained
     sure that degeneration wasn’t a good   professionals can be invaluable in re-
     thing. The disease initially only af-  storing independence and
     fected one   ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––             confidence.
     eye, but in
     the space of    “Before the journey ended, my             My mom
     a few weeks,   Mom’s independence was restored,           was the first
     she had lost                                              person I knew
     much of the   she took her first glider ride, and         who thrived
     functional   even traveled outside of the US for          with vision
     central            the first time in her life. .”         loss. Since
     vision in that                                            then, I have
     eye. Macular  ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––            met para-
     degeneration                                              lympians, suc-
     causes loss of central, but not periph-  cessful businesspeople, and many others
     eral, vision. There are two kinds of age-  who have thrived with vision loss. And
     related macular degeneration, dry and   I believe it’s just going to get better.
     wet. Dry macular degeneration is far   Healthcare providers and technologists
     more prevalent, progresses much more   are racing towards solutions which will
     slowly, and is less debilitating although   restore sight or provide alternatives to
     there is no currently no treatment. Wet   traditional vision which make people
     macular degeneration proceeds rapidly   who are blind newly independent.
     and when my mom was affected, the   It gets better. Within most of our
     only treatment used lasers that cauter-  lifetimes, I believe technology will be
     ized the leaking retinal blood vessels.   able to provide people with disabilities
     Many more treatment options are now   such as vision loss with superpowers.
     available which can slow the onset by   Based on how society has marginalized
     years and even decades, under the care   them, we’ll have to hope they become
     of an eye doctor. You can learn more   good, not evil, superheroes! How many
     about macular degeneration at this   parents have warned an older sibling to
     VisionAware site -  be kind to their younger sibling as some
     Before the journey ended, my mom’s
     independence was restored, she took
     her first glider ride, and even traveled
     outside of the US for the first time in
     her life. These accomplishments were
     made possible through an association
     for the blind. Similar organizations are
     available in most areas and are read-
     ily found through an internet search. I
                                                           Continued on page 18
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