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considered addressing before you • Travel documents should be
travel; however, it is important in easily accessible
case there are any trip interruptions. These traveling recommendations are
• Be prepared to have your body some highlights to be prepared for your
temperature checked during your next getaway. Let’s be ready to travel
travels whether at the airport or safely, healthily, and travel to your hearts
at your destination content.
• Maintain a safe distance of “You can wake up in a new place and ex-
at least six (6) feet apart from plore all itsc wonders, tasting exotic new
other people at all locations foods and visiting world-famous sites. You
• Wash your hands often throughout could end the nights sipping on a bever-
your travels age of your pleasure beneath the stars
• Be prepared to answer health before diving into the butter-soft sheets
of a plush, king sized bed.”
screening questions – If you are
having illness symptoms,
• Pack your suitcase with the
following essentials:
• Multiple face masks/coverings–
Most, if not all of your traveling
connects will require face
mask/coverings. Cynthia Tyler
• Hand sanitizer (with at least Vacation Specialist
60% alcohol) Lets Pack & Go, Dream Vacations
• All medications – make sure you
have full prescriptions (757) 797-6555
• Medical/Insurance card